Rabble rabble, Europcar, finances, rules, Astana, doping, CAS, stare decisis, Pickett’s Charge, money, appearances, progress, catastrophe, GP Hasselt, Druivencross, #CANTTOUCHTHIS, PFP, van der Poel skillz, road schedules, changing focus, returning emails, the list.
Hey, man, thanks. Don’t know what happened, but the video is streaming much, much better now.
Go Cosmo! RANT RANT RANT! One of the best TWIBs in months.
Does anyone else feel like crowd source funding team eurocar, just to keep team Astana out?
Cosmo you are one a kind! Great job man! One day my son, you will find the ring that rules them all! OK, that story is already been written. Anyhow, you are genuinely talented and if you wish a career in broadcasting go for it!
#CANTTOUCHTHIS is solid gold Cosmo. Well played sir…well played.
Haha, you don’t like MFS?
MFS is my nemesis.