The cobbles weren’t all that decisive this year—thanks to good weather and a steady tailwind, they were really more a steady grindstone against which the field was reduced. The real tactical action came at the very end, and involved some of Etixx-Quickstep’s best racing this spring, though in the finale, the outcome was pretty much inevitable.
Hi Cosmo,
I hear you loudly about the choice one has to make between a job and an entrepreneurial pursuit.
I was aware of the live streaming video over the Internet business thing pretty early. Streaming over FTP started in 1997. I was introduced to it in 1999; my band played in a club where a guy was streaming from a dive bar rock club in New York. I have been streaming local, regional and national bands since 2008. But a few years ago I had to get a job to pay bills. Still plugging away, but from a much further distance than running your own small business demands.
Thanks for sharing this great thing you have achieved.
I have been watching for a fewer years now. You pulled off a beautiful, informative broadcast just because you could. You have mastered the tools of digital media making and had a blast breathing life into this great idea.
Chapeau Brah.
So glad to see you’re still cranking out videos despite the final TWIB the other day.
This HTRWW was damn good! That piece of footage at 2:11 of the near miss crash and then bottle through the open window had me in stitches! I can’t believe I missed that when I was watching it live!
BMC dude almost taking out a baguette stand and a bidon going through an open window a second later are things only you would catch.
Thanks for all the top notch videos the past few years. I’ll savor them a bit more with the frequency is going down a bit.
Cosmo, you are simply the best at what you do, bar none. Thank you for your efforts.
Congrats on the normcore job stuff and still putting out this stuff. I LOLd.
But wasn’t there a jab at electronic shifting (cough, Sagan, cough) left unmade?
I’m a teacher. I show HTRWW to my elementary classes for little break sometimes. You provide us with some insightful and interesting analysis of a sport the students are know very little about. We appreciate it. If you continue to make HTRWW I will continue to show it, so please continue. Worry not about getting the video out the next day or whenever your previous deadlines were.
As a side note, I thought your pacing of this video was good. Quick but not too crammed. It was a perfect jumping off point to discuss some of the history of PR before the principal came in.
Thanks again.
Oh boy, a few typos in there. Sorry.
Seriously, how do you ever notice the things like the water bottle throw through the window!
Great observations as always. Love your wit too. Keep it up.
So good, Cosmo. You catch all the nuances of the race!
Cosmo –
your HTRWW videos are amazing. i have been looking forward to, and enjoying every one for years. kudos to you for having a vision and singlehandedly making it happen – totally creating something new: informative, entertaining, funny, concise and complete. with HTRWW and TWIB you have done some really great work, for which inevitably you will be rewarded – in some way or another. “The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” George Bernard Shaw. thanks for being the unreasonable man – to the benefit of cycling fans everywhere.
best, Mark