[note: this page was actually written in 2010. Much of it is out of date. I only put it back up in March 2014 because people were complaining it was down]
Yes, after five [actually 9-ish] years slaving away in the name of personal satisfaction and the pursuit of awesome, Cyclocosm.com has finally decided to monetize. But of course, we’re doing it our way: without sponsorship, without banner ads, and without battling any meatspace inefficiencies [slightly embarrassed I wrote that].
We’ve created—and are continuing to create [lol]—a variety of products out of some of our most enduring and popular web features. These products are available from two separate stores:

We’ve created a variety of colorful, exciting and—above all else, high quality—shirts for sale from our store at Spreadshirt. Unless otherwise noted, all designs use Spreadshirt’s durable, resilient flex printing process [I am otherwise noting that most of the shirts don’t use this anymore].

Posters, Mugs, Aprons, etc.
For pretty much everything else, Cyclocosm gear will ship through Propell Shops. Check out the store to sample the the selection—we’ve kept it limited to items that might actually be relevant to a cyclist’s day-to-day routine.
Working through these fulfillment services not only frees up time for creating more Fun Stuff, but it also gives you predictable order processing, reliable customer service, and essentially unlimited options in design and item customization. Sample items ordered each store easily met Cyclocosm’s high product standards.
So if you see a design you’d like to put on a different piece of merchandise—or, if you’re comfortable trampling the intention of the designer, a different set of colors—let us know. Chances are, we can probably accomodate the request.