$28 in hosting overage charges—that’s what the traffic bump from my hastily-assembled Strava piece cost me. (Tip Jar is over on right for desktop, bottom of the page for mobile.)
Strava’s Communication Breakdown
My point was not that the business is imploding (it isn’t) but that their messaging in response to price-hike blowback was whole-cloth bullshit (which it was!). As the comments section would indicate, someone of you got that, some of you didn’t, but everyone seemed to have an opinion.
And by everyone, I do also mean Strava, which posted a half-hinged, passive-aggressive rah-rah on LinkedIn of all places.

Loose on facts and closed to comments, it certainly seems to indicate the company’s still a far sight from squaring its shit away in the comms department. Might be time for another data dive to see what direction, exactly, those numbers are moving in.
How The Race Was Won-ish
I have somehow managed to continue daily Instagram content (@howtheracewaswon), reaching over 2 million accounts and accumulating 11.4k followers so far (starting from 3500 or so on Jan 1). So that’s going pretty well, and beginning to include a little content that might seem familiar to long-time readers:
That said, honestly no clue what the near future holds for Original Recipe How The Race Was Won® videos. Might get a clearer picture as I ramp things up again on YouTube. Also keep an eye ear open for some other revivals of vintage content…
Newsletters are the New Podcasts
I have finally set up a newsletter, mostly because I think it’s a better way to push updates like this than a blog post. Sign-up and have my content delivered directly to your inbox, free from the whimsy of social media algorithm.
Thanks for this update… I subscribe via RSS so its nice to be reminded of the awesome content that you make!
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Have a marvellous day.