You gotta feel for the people of Kazakhstan. They’re totally bummed the rest of the world thinks their country is so backward, but damn if their government doesn’t just suck at convincing people otherwise. Take this who Vinokourov situation – first, they say he’s innocent, then, in the face of overwhelming evidence, they find Vino’…
Author: cosmo
Clean Cycling – The Time to Invest is Now
I’m sure that at some point in my life, I’ll be disgraced. And when that day comes, I hope I can weather the storm and resign respectfully, without trampling my denouement under a landslide of excuses; e.g., “I’m not a married, self-loathing homosexual – I’m just prone to misunderstandings. Lots of them“. “I’m not into…
T-Mobile Folds, No Cyclingnews Links
You know what would simplify my life times infinity? If Cyclingnews gave itself a bloody RSS feed. Every day I have to open my browser, open a new tab, wait for the page to open, wait for pictures to load, scroll down, open a million different tabs for all their latest news, breaking news, etc.,…
WADA Fiddles While Rome Burns
“World Turns Attention to Doping.” As if the what little attention the world paid to cycling ever involved anything but. Ingenuous headline aside, it proved a prophetic forward for what could only be summed up as a revealing week. Barry Bonds was indicted for lying about being on drugs. And, because all the good stories…
"Did We Know This?" – The Hot New Cycling Game.
Instead of reporting on cycling news this week, I’m going to turn it into a fun, interactive quiz game called “Did We Know Know This?” I’ll present you with a news story from the past few days, and then you try and guess whether or not we knew it already. All set? Great! Here we…
I'm Back and Everything's a Mess
Cycling’s like a room full of fine china, an eight year old, and a hammer. You turn your back for a second and suddenly everything’s gone straight to hell. A much deserved month-long hiatus, and the top cycling story is “Lance Armstrong’s tagging an Olsen twin?” Granted, we should have seen this coming, but really?…
Your Weekly Update As Things Wind Down
Seven days? Has it been a week already? Oh, right, there’s no Züri Metzgete, which makes for a pretty sizable gap. Some 30 day stretches are jam packed with up to five overlapping races, but suddenly the racing scene’s a barren wasteland (slight apologies due to Franco-Belge). No wonder there’s such acrimony over scheduling. Anyway,…
Bettini Title Caps Exciting Weekend
You think that me finally leaving my job makes blogging easier? Then you’ve clearly never festered in a cubicle as boring as mine. I was away in Vermont all weekend, keeping tabs on Stuttgart, but lacking the free time and bandwidth to post and watch. And I managed to leave my laptop behind, so I’m…
The Doping (Ger)Mania at Worlds
Good lord. I thought Germans were known for careful planning, level-headedness, and efficiency, not the 11th hour, spur of the moment $&!tshow we’re currently being treated to. Here’s (I think) what’s certain so far – DiLuca is out, bowing to pressure from the locals and a recommendation for a four-month (what? Someone hand me a…
No More Pro Dopers, Worlds TT, Silly Bike Ideas
What is up with doping stories these days? I mean, the Dopers Suck guy getting called out for a missed test? Come on, people. I guess the pros are just so clean now that the little guys are the only viable targets left. Alejandro Valverde? Officially clean. Or at least allowed to race at worlds….